What I have been reading - 9th December 2019

Here are my top picks from the last week:

Bull markets last much longer than you think:  If you are anxious about investing simply because the market has been going up for a while, you need to read this article.  Bull markets don't die of old age.

Ray Dalio is more famous than ever and delivering subpar returns:  Like I say, everything is always backwards and upside down when it comes to the world of investing!  

Emotional Alchemy:  Want to spend money without feeling guilty?   Check out this idea (watch the video at the bottom of the page too).

The reasons women don't get the feedback they need:  A interesting article from The Wall Street Journal.  When giving feedback, "write it down, and then ask yourself, would you email this to a white man and have it on the record?"

This 7-year-old has loved finances since age 3.  Here's how his parents taught him about money:  Kids understand a lot more about money than most people give them credit for.  A great article full of useful nuggets to help your children learn good habits early on in life.

Don't leave your best investor on the sub's bench:  This article does a good job of summarising some of the research around how men and women differ in their investing styles.  Sorry guys, testosterone isn't helping you here.  


Why being kind makes you healthier:  "Choose being kind over being right, and you'll be right every time."  Research shows you'll also be happier and healthier.




Georgina Loxton