Wealth builders +
Are you rapidly moving up in the world?
Are you consumed with the demands of your job?
Are you actively accumulating cash and assets but not sure that you are making the right decisions?
Do you have a family and worry what would happen to them if you were hit by a bus tomorrow?
Do you wonder when you can retire?
We know how busy life is for you, and we know that your finances always fall to the bottom of the list. We also know how stressful it is to have that ‘nag nag nagging’ in the back of your head telling you ‘you must do something about this’.
What you need is Financial Life Management – something more than just financial planning. You want a comprehensive approach to your entire financial life so that nothing is overlooked. Together we tackle:
Investment Management
Financial organization
Retirement planning
Retirement withdrawal strategies
Cash flow analysis
Planning for major purchases
Estate planning coordination
Education funding
Pension plan analysis
Risk Management - life insurance, property insurance and asset protection
For the first time, you will have a sense of clarity and balance. You will feel an enormous sense of relief from getting organized and knowing that all the important issues have been addressed. You will sleep well knowing you are on track.
Financially Independent +
You have reached the point where your assets support you instead of your job. All the pressure is off, and a world of possibilities has opened up. However, despite having more than enough, you still have questions and you still find yourself worrying.
We can help you. Our comprehensive retirement income planning will leave you feeling confident that you have enough to maintain your lifestyle and that you are spending safely in retirement.
We will look at what is important to you and make sure that your assets are positioned optimally to maintain your purchasing power over a long retirement.
We will work on a wealth transfer plan that reflects your values and the non-tangibles that you want to pass onto your heirs.
We will think hard about the impact that you wish to make and the legacy you wish to leave. Most of all, we will leave you free to go and enjoy the fruits of your labour – travelling the world, spending time with your children and grand-children, pursuing your passion – these things are more important than stressing about your money.
Women in transition +
Are you going through a life-changing event?
Have you found yourself feeling lost and paralysed by your experience?
Have events in your life left you suddenly responsible for your wealth?
Do you need help clearly understanding your options?
We guide women through loss, divorce, inheritance, retirement and career change.
Sometimes life abruptly, or by plan, stops working the way it once did. Sometimes the disruption or change is welcome but often it is unwelcome and we find ourselves in a situation where we have to put the pieces back together again. It can feel scary and confusing.
The answers aren’t always clear but we are there, by your side, helping you curate the next phase or chapter of your life. We recognise that sometimes it just takes time and there is no rush. We give you time whilst making sure that the important issues are addressed. If there is anything that risks resulting in some permanent worsening of your well-being, we will make sure it gets done.
Over time we help you build knowledge and we help you plan. We will always keep things simple. You will start to feel confident managing your wealth, and have the peace of mind that you will be ok.
We know that everything can feel overwhelming. We are here to help create calm in the chaos. We are right there by your side on your journey.