What I have been reading - 5th April 2021

Here’s what caught my eye over the past week or so:

Started from the bottom: It's a year since the market bottomed. The S&P 500 is up over 75% since then! The only time we have seen yearly returns this high was during the recovery from the Great Depression. The lesson? Optimism always wins.

How much bitcoin should I own? A mathematical answer: Bitcoin is more interesting to me today than it was. And that's not just because the price has gone up. The exuberance in 2017 was driven by young techies. Now the institutions are getting involved. I think the dynamics are changing. I am open to allocating something to it in the right client portfolios. How much should that 'something' be? Here's the mathematical answer. The author's conclusion is broadly inline with Nick Maggiulli's data driven answer.

What if you fear missing out on a hot investment?: The author explains it so well in this article. Not only does he explain what FOMO is and how it shows up, but also how to avoid it. If you have launched into something recently, this article is for you.

Low cost is better than free: I have read a lot recently about why free trades are so dangerous. This article goes into that and more. Fascinating stuff.

How to design a 21st Century time-off program: Keeping employees happy is about much more than money in today's world. Time-off and flexibility matter more than ever. There are some interesting ideas in this article that business owners and HR professionals will enjoy.

Can the Stock Market crash during an Economic Boom?: A good analysis by Ben Carlson. As he says, it's possible, but I don't advise placing the bet.

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This is the test to apply to everything: A incredibly thought-provoking article from Ryan Holiday. Less of What? More of What?



Georgina Loxton