What I have been reading - 12th October 2021

Here’s what caught my attention last week:

Panic sellers during stock market dips are often married men with children: An MIT study looked at 600,000 brokerage accounts and found that those panic selling during dips were more likely to be men over 45, or married with children, or have self-described "excellent investment performance". An interesting read, for sure.

Impostors on the Due Diligence Call: This is a crazy story. Be careful out there!

Nature Shows How This All Works: Morgan Housel on what nature can teach us about investing.

Reading Tea Leaves: A great piece that explains why so many investors still rely on technical analysis (a.k.a. looking at a chart and thinking it tells you something about the future) even though we know it doesn't work.

An unhealthy obsession with money: Just in case you think money will solve all your problems.

How to get your family to actually use a password manager: How often do I bang on about password managers?! It seems to be the part of the plan that people are most resistant to and it's interesting to read that the hesitancy is universal.

There's more to investing that just risk and return: I really love this article from Christine Benz at Morningstar. She is one of the most respected investment commentators in the US. She writes: "The more I know, the more I can't be bothered with the arcane, the volatile, the hard to understand. Instead, I crave simplicity, peace of mind, and the ability to be asleep at the switch and know that things will be OK."

A Decade to Savor: A quick look back over the last ten years.

How to break a phone addiction: We all know this stuff but it helps to be reminded.



Georgina Loxton