What I have been reading - 12 January 2021
Here’s what caught my eye recently:
Two simple rules for building real wealth: Well this article taught me something I didn't know!
What if you only invested at market peaks?: Everyone needs to meet Bob, the world's worst market timer. Guess what? He did pretty well!
5 common mistakes that cause new year's resolutions to fail: James Clear is the king of habits. Here are his tips for getting your habits on track and keeping them on track.
Waiting for the market to crash is a terrible strategy: Here's the data to back up the advice 'stay the course'.
5 big picture trends being accelerated by the pandemic: The pandemic hasn't necessarily changed trends or behaviours, but there are certain things that have certainly been sped up.
What money can buy: We all know that there is a lot money cannot buy. But I love this article that reminds us of what it can.
The radical art of letting things hurt: how (not) to help a friend in sorrow: The video in this article contains some of the most powerful words I have ever heard about grief and loss. "You can't heal someone's pain by trying to take it away from them."