What I have been reading - April 27th 2021

Here’s what I enjoyed reading this past week or so:

How to buy happiness: Lots has been written about this topic, but I particularly like how Arthur Brooks frames it in this short article. "Just because most people generally don't get happier as they get richer beyond a certain point doesn't mean that they can't. In fact, no matter where we sit on the income scale, with a little knowledge and practice any of us can use money to bring more happiness."

This is the sign of a great thinker, according to Jeff Bezos and Adam Grant: Hint: it's all about understanding how little you know.

Investors big and small are driving stock gains with borrowed money: The level of borrowed money in brokerage accounts has increased significantly. Here's my warning: borrowing against your stocks turns routine risk into potential ruinous risk. I do not recommend it.

Crypto holders say it's hurt their personal relationships: Seems that owning too much crypto can damage your relationship. It makes some sense to me.

The psychology of fighting the last crash: We humans just are not wired to be good investors. Here's one reason why.

My worst investment: A writer explains how he got scammed and looks back at the warning signs.

How to speak to someone who is hesitant to get vaccinated: There is still a lot of vaccine hesitancy around, and here in Cayman we need more people to take it. The mild side effects are nothing compared to the risk of getting COVID or long COVID. This is a useful article to help frame a conversation with anyone you know who hasn't had it yet. And if YOU haven't had it yet, you owe it to yourself and all those you love to make sure you are fully informed from the right sources (always check your sources).




Georgina Loxton