What I have been reading - 9th November 2021

Here’s what caught my eye recently:

The Power of No: I have been thinking about this a lot recently.

Women may be better investors than men: We can definitely learn from one another. The problem for men may be testosterone. "The hormone causes three problems for investors: It decreases fear, increases greed and very much contributes to overconfidence. It does wonderful things for muscle mass and reflex time but doesn't do much for judgement."

The Nothingness of Money: I read a lot about money and life, and this is one of the most moving and powerful pieces I have ever read.

What Winter-Haters Get Wrong: A very interesting article about how temperature and sunshine impact happiness levels.

Investors need an anti-reading list: Are you filling your head with the right stuff?

In one of the most volatile markets in decades, active fund managers underperformed again: This is why we take an indexing approach. As Bill Bernstein once said, "Don't look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!"

No Bonds For Me: Wonderful article by the investing great, Charles Ellis.

Let the Market Worry for You: My sentiments exactly!

'Why Am I Not Rich & Famous?' the delusion of our times: I enjoyed this article, particularly because I read it right after a conversation with my children about exactly this.




Georgina Loxton