What I have been reading - 9th March 2020

Here are the things that caught my eye over the past week - mostly market and Coronavirus related!

The worst day of our investing lives:  A good account of Monday's market moves.

The market is moving.  Most people should sit still:  Wise words from Ron Lieber at the New York Times.

"War is an appropriate analogy":  If you are still in the camp 'this is just the flu', please watch this.  

When a danger is growing exponentially, everything looks fine until it doesn't:  I am not panicked, but I am concerned.  I am particularly concerned about how Cayman is going to cope with this virus.  I am concerned because I have read a lot about this from a wide variety of sources and from a wide variety of experts.  This Washington Post article explains the four things we need to understand.

Flattening the Coronavirus curve: This is another excellent article highlighting what we can do on an individual basis and why it matters.  I am continuing life as normal (with a lot of extra hand washing) but am trying hard not to greet people with a handshake, hug or kiss.  Behaviour is hard to change, but if we all change together, it becomes easier.  It's a simple step we can take here in Cayman.  With such changes, we might limit the damage.  Without, we might be Italy in 2 weeks.

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Stuck at home:  30 seconds of sanity from Seth Godin.




Georgina Loxton