What I have been reading - 3rd December 2021

Here’s what caught my eye over the past week or so:

Closing Time: This article is a stark look at some of the deeper emotional components of retirement.

So you wanna be a stock picker: Just another reminder...it's tough out there. Really tough.

The Stock Picker's Bear Market: And another.....

Experts from a world that no longer exists: Morgan Housel articulates one of the biggest issues in investing today - when to hold onto the lessons of the past and when to let go.

Reading Financial News: The Top 10 Avoidable Distractions: Being a good investor means filtering out the majority of the 'financial news'. As this author points out, most of it is irrelevant, shallow or incomplete and hence misleading and distracting from an investment perspective. The point of my newsletter is to bring you things that matter and are true. However, if you still find yourself scrolling CNBC, read this article for 10 types of stories that you can automatically dismiss.

How to create your own dividends: There is a common misconception that investing in retirement means only owning dividend paying companies. Ben Carlson highlights why this can be so dangerous and how focusing on total return, not income, is key.

Wise words on investor behaviour: Wise words, indeed.

Six pieces of advice from parents that you probably shouldn't listen to: I broadly agree with these, and definitely agree that taking financial advice from your parents (or any family member) can be hazardous for your financial health.

No One Cares!: Caring too much about what others think can have dire financial consequences as we find ourselves constantly trying to keep up. This is a good read from Arthur Brooks - we are wired to care what others think of us, but the instinct to want the approval of others is woefully adapted to modern life.




Georgina Loxton