What I have been reading - 21st September 2020
Here are a few of the pieces I particularly enjoyed this past week:
The Eight Secrets to a (fairly) Fulfilled Life: There are some amazing sentences in this article.
How COVID has altered the conversation about money: It's 2020 and conversations about money are still tough, even between spouses. If COVID forces couples to embrace money transparency, then something positive will have come from it.
It costs what it costs: Ryan Holiday introduces an interesting way to think about tax. "Everything we do has a toll attached to it." I like the stoic line of thinking, and this article had me thinking more about trade-offs, because there is always a trade-off.
How to heal a family rift: It's very common for me to hear about family rifts and I always feel sad when someone tells me they are estranged from a family member. I always wonder if they will regret it at the end of their life. If you are in that position, or know someone, this is a very worthwhile article from the WSJ.
Here's how to start getting healthy: I love this piece for its simplicity. It's not rocket science folks. But, just as it is with our money, there is a huge gap between the knowing and the doing.
Negativity is not an investment strategy: A great reminder from Ben Carlson. "Doing nothing with your money is the biggest risk of all."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg in pictures and her own words: What to say, except what an inspirational woman.
PODCAST: Moonshots and Marketing - Patrick O'Shaughnessy interviews Rory Sutherland: This is such a fun conversation. Rory is one of the most interesting storytellers out there. His insight into human behaviour is extraordinary. And Patrick, as always, is a wonderful questioner. You won't regret giving this 50 minutes of your time. Stick it on in the car on the way home tonight.