What I have been reading - 19th May 2020

Here’s what I enjoyed reading over the past week or so.

What happens next?:  COVID-19 futures, explained with playable simulations.  Thank you to Tom McCallum for sharing this article.  It's long but an important read for everyone.  It shows how "even under a pessimistic scenario, it is possible to beat COVID-19, while protecting our mental and financial health."

From blood clots to COVID-toe: the medical mysteries of Coronavirus:  An interesting article from the FT (free to read) on how this virus manifests itself.

This version of Warren Buffett:  This article made me sad.

Does better virus response lead to better stock market outcomes:  A series of fascinating charts from Ben Carlson.  "The stock market is not the economy but it's also not its citizens or government leaders or crisis response team either."

The case for reopening schools:  "It would seem more rational to start by getting kids in school, then sending parents back to work."   That doesn't seem like rocket science to me!  "We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents."

No emergency fund?  Start one now:  A article full of practical advice.  

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The risks - know them, avoid them: Us humans are not very good at understanding and evaluating risks which is why we drive our cars multiple times a day yet are afraid of a shark attack when we swim in the ocean.  This is an excellent article that explains your risk of contracting COVID in different environments.  We all need to understand when and how we are most likely to be at risk.  "Of the countries performing contract tracing properly, only a single outbreak has been reported from an outdoor environment."




Georgina Loxton