What I have been reading - 18th May 2021

Here’s what caught my eye over the past week or so:

Secret Sauce: Here is one author's view on creating the perfect retirement. A great article if you are close to retirement or have recently retired.

99 Additional Bits of Unsolicited Advice: This is an amazing list.

The Real Rate of Return on the 10-Year Treasury Note is Essentially Zero: There may still be some reasons to hold bonds but it's about return OF capital rather than return ON capital.

Yes, Stocks Are Still Cheap: A good article from FirstTrust explaining why stocks are not yet overvalued.

Never ever respond to a cold call: This is an excellent article and a really good policy to have. As the author points out, 'why would anyone respond to a cold call when there are dozens of legitimate investing platforms a mouse click away? What would someone think they were being pitched an incredible investment opportunity by a total stranger?'

Krugman Wonks Out: Return of the Monetary Cockroaches: The famed economist Paul Krugman explains why money-printing is not the concern many think it is.

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Glancing at your phone quickly prompts other people to do the same: Humans practice mimicry and this is a depressing example of it. Still, since reading this article I have consciously stopped myself from picking up my phone when others around me have, which is positive. Awareness is always the first step!




Georgina Loxton