What I have been reading - 13th April 2020

Here’s the bits that caught my eye this past week:

Companies don't need to lay people off to survive:  This is a time where companies can build true loyalty with their employees.  "I asked myself what a family would do when faced with such a crisis.  Every member of the family would sacrifice a little so no one person would have to suffer a lot."

The battle against Coronavirus: will our best or worst side win?:  I was totally captivated by Paul and Kim Polman when I heard them speak at CAIS earlier this year (that seems like an entire lifetime ago).  This is a lovely short piece from Paul.  "We will see in the days and weeks ahead if our leaders can rise to this challenge.  Coronavirus is holding up a mirror to our best and worst sides: generosity and ingenuity versus insularity and division.  The virus doesn't decide which wins.  Only we can do that."  

No, you didn't just lose half of your retirement savings:  Mr Money Mustache with a great article that will restore your faith in everything.

The craziest month in stock market history:  For the data people out there - here are some stats that show just how crazy March was.

This is the end of the office as we know it:  Once you take the fear out of the equation, I think we are living through one of the most fascinating periods in history.  I am so curious to see how our lives change because of Coronavirus.  One aspect that will certainly change is the office - this is an interesting article that looks at all the different aspects of office life.  One thing I feel fairly confident about is that I wouldn't want to be long commercial real estate right now.

PODCAST: Tim Ferriss with Dr Vivek Murthy:  This was a wonderfully profound conversation.  Dr Vivek is the former Surgeon General and he talks to Tim about combatting COVID-19, loneliness and a great deal more.  All I could think whilst listening to his speak was, 'wow, I wish you were in charge'.

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Happiness is only a vacation destination: Another message of hope.  "Our superpowers will get us to the other side."




Georgina Loxton