What I have been reading - 12th January 2022

Here’s what caught my eye over the past few weeks:

The Worst $$$ Advice Ever: This really is the worst money advice ever and my heart breaks reading it. The click through article is also well-worth a read - anything by Ryan Holiday is worth a read (If you can get THIS, you will be happy. Guaranteed).

Listen to Your Own Advice: As someone who gives advice for a living, this resonated.

How to Make Your Financial Life Happier in 2022: It's not all about budgeting and goals. There are small things you can do to relieve stress and anxiety.

How do you move forward after making a fatal mistake?: This is something I hope neither I nor you ever have to deal with, but I found it an interesting read.

Does Not Compute: Morgan Housel, as always, does an INCREDIBLE job of explaining why things aren't driven by logic and rationality. I have said this before, but if the only thing you ever read is Morgan's blogs you will become a better person, thinker and investor.

What is Web3 and Why Should You Care?: It's a whole new world!

Are You Saving Too Much Money?: This is an interesting read. As I often say, the hardest thing about financial planning is finding a balance between living for today and saving for tomorrow.

House Money: This is an excellent and entertaining piece. I highly recommend everyone reads it, but if you have anyone young in your life who is trading crypto, send it to them. And sit next to them whilst they read it.

No Way to Grow Up: The toll on children from the pandemic is heart-breaking. I can't see how history is going to look favourably on the decisions we have made. I sometime ponder how we parents, collectively and globally, have allowed it to happen. Why are we not all protesting on the streets? Why are we not petitioning our schools and our Governments to stop limiting children and their lives? I ask this rhetorically (sort of).



Georgina Loxton