What I have been reading - 11th June 2021

Here’s what caught my eye over the past few weeks:

How to do long term: I know I say it about every piece Morgan Housel writes, but honestly, he just gets it right every time. It's easy to say you are 'in it for the long term', but to actually mean it you have to come to terms with a few points.

Speculation: A game you can't win: Lawrence Yeo articulates the psychology of speculation so well here. If you are tempted to speculate in highly risky assets, do read this first. And remember, "financial freedom isn't about money, it's about attention. The less you have to think about money, the more free you actually are."

If you're still worried, you aren't wealthy: Ben Carlson frames it perfectly here.

How the pandemic has changed attitudes towards wealth: This is interesting to me - the amount of money needed for "financial happiness" has declined during the pandemic. Maybe a refocusing of priorities really has happened.

Why you shouldn't buy bitcoin when you are hungry: A great article by Jason Zweig at the WSJ. We humans are so flawed!

The 30-year-old retirees: I haven't met many 30-year-old retirees, but a few 40-year-old retirees or those aiming to retire by 40. It's possible, though not having children helps!

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The Psychological Benefits of Commuting to work: This is absolutely fascinating. "In its pre-pandemic heyday, we very narrowly thought of the commute as doing one job: getting us to and from our place of work. But clearly, the commute was doing something more, something we failed to appreciate. What was it?"




Georgina Loxton